Anna Aaron dreams up her past

Posted by on Jan 28, 2019
Anna Aaron dreams up her past

25 January sees the release of Anna Aaron’s new album, “Pallas Dreams”, her third. Demonstrating once again an indomitable spirit of exploration, Anna Aaron has dispensed with the services of an outside producer and recorded the album alongside her brother, Alain Meyer, in Basel and at the Maison des Artistes in Chamonix. Having previously experimented with elements of folk, rock, and jazz, she has now arrived at an electronica-driven style that is truly and mesmerizingly her own.

The idiosyncratic approach is entirely fitting for an album that trawls a deeply personal world of memories, images and visions. Anna Aaron spent several childhood years in the Philippines where here parents acted as Christian missionaries. The songs of “Pallas Dreams” return to the mind of a child living in an environment that was full of mystery. They take as their starting point a story of even just a phrase from those years in order to reflect on their impact from the vantage point of an adult. Thus, “White Lady” is about a ghost that haunted the Aarons’ street in Manila, spreading such fear around town that no taxi driver could be prevailed upon to drive there after dark.

Pallas Dreams” is released in all GSA countries by Radicalis.


Anna Aaron

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