Stay Up to Date on Swiss music and Enjoy Yourself!

Last month we provided you with a list of links to Swiss activities, campaigns and projects launched this extraordinary spring to keep you entertained and informed during the lockdown (and after!). Here’s an update – this time with links to Swiss labels, agencies, collectives, promoters – all this to make it easier for you not […]
Audio Dope goes “Superlunary”

Post-hip-hop producer Audio Dope’s second album “Superlunary” was released on 24 April by Radicalis. Consisting of eight instrumental tracks laced with the odd vocal sample, “Superlunary” creates a spookily meditative mood that goes well with the empty streets of the present circumstances. In fact, the Italian film maker Jacopo Ficulle has created the perfect video […]
Echoes from Kappa Mountain

Kappa Mountain is the highest mountain on Yoshi’s Island on planet Super Mario. It is also the name of a new duo, formed by Audio Dope and the Basle-based pianist Matthias Gusset. Their debut EP “Echo Pool” was released on 8 May 2020 via Radicalis and London-based College Music Records. The musical version of Kappa […]
Al Pride Spruced Up

The name says it’s a bloke, the picture tells us it’s a band. Yes, one of those, and they have a lively new EP out. “Spruce” contains four tracks, three have been premiered in a live session last autumn, the fourth, a snappy number entitled “Another Vibe” is entirely new. The EP is an appetiser […]
Scalatrax – Drummer on the Loose!

By day, Florian Haas-Schneider – is the drummer in bands like Audio Dope, Nicole Bernegger, Emilia Anstazja and many others. By night, he is an alchemist dreaming up all sorts of weird and beautiful new sounds – a vision he has now shaped into an artistic alter ego named Scalatrax. “Scalatrax” is also the title […]
SOOMA – Exuberantly Dark

Valentine’s Day, of all days in the year, saw the release of SOOMA’s new album “It’s All About to Change” via Radicalis Music. SOOMA are a noisy young band from Zurich, boasting the classic trio line-up of guitar/vocals (Yannic Consael), bass (Victor Rassov) and drums (Fidel Aeberli). Having started off rough, ready and hardcore, SOOMA have […]
Jeans for Jesus with new cut!

Three years ago, their last album hit the top 20. There is every hope that with “19xx_2xxx” (aka “nineteen hundred, two thousand”) Jeans for Jesus will go one (or two) better. “19xx_2xxx” was released internationally by Universal on 24 January. For Stephan Eicher, who supports Jeans for Jesus on the French version of the single „1900 […]
Enlightenment through music

MUAR is apparently the Hebrew word for enlightenment. It is also the title of the debut album from the Israeli/Swiss duo Dorj & Melodiesinfonie, released on 24 September 2019 via Radicalis Music. Dorj and Melodiesinfonie met three years ago in a Zurich venue. Dorj was bowled over by Melodiesinfonie’s DJ set, the best he’d ever witnessed, he says. The two […]
The Vogel flies

A harpist by trade, singer/songwriter Linda Vogel wrote the songs of her album “Maps to Others” in a place called Finistère – “the end of the world” – on the shores of the Atlantic. Aided by drummer and composer, Vincent Glanzmann, Linda Vogel, with her harp and her voice, creates an eerie and yet muscular music with […]
Soybomb, the jugglers

Soybomb are without a doubt one of the wittiest bands in Switzerland, able to write songs as catchy as the measles and damned smart to boot. Their first album proper has been long and hotly anticipated – and it’s a corker. “Jonglage” – French for juggling – was released at the end of February, with […]