Switzerland @ MaMA Music & Convention 2024

Paris – probably the most romantic and thus perfect city in Europe to spend the autumn in! And, of course, all of us in the music business have a fantastic excuse to be there: MaMA! MaMA, a 3-day bonanza of live music, keynote speeches and conferences, hosted by one of the most picturesque parts of […]
SME @ The Great Escape, 10 – 13 May 2023

The Great Escape in Brighton – what’s not to like? A great seaside town, just a little ramshackle in just the right sort of way, choc-a-block with music for a whole four days! Plus, countless pubs and a wonderful beach to discuss events and exchange views, seafood restaurants galore, not to mention the famous Brighton […]
SME at The Great Escape, Brighton UK – 11 – 14 May 2022

Analogue stages, analogue musicians, and analogue audiences – yes, The Great Escape returns to the streets of Brighton, and so do we from Swiss Music Export. As ever, we’ve booked ourselves into the grooviest club in town, the Komedia Studio Bar, for the revival of our traditional Swiss Business Mixer. Also as ever, we will […]
Swiss Music – Global & Folk Playlist

Switzerland isn’t just the four cultures that go with the official national languages, German, French, Italian and Romansh. It is countless others, too, brought in by migrants from all over the world and often woven in with what they find upon their arrival. The “Global & Folk” playlist presented and published by Swiss Music, FONDATION […]
Switzerland compiled

Designed to reflect the strong and diverse influence immigration has brought to bear on the musical culture of Switzerland, “World VI” was curated by Roberto Haçaturyan from artlink, a Berne-based organisation coordinating artists and projects with roots in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe who are based in Switzerland. “World VI” offers a hugely […]
Swiss Music in an Extraordinary Situation

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, musicians everywhere are confronted with an extraordinary situation. This is no different for the extensive Swiss artist community. Here’s a selection of activities, campaigns and projects launched to alleviate the multiple-hardships of no more gigs, no more audiences, no more merch tables, and no more social life. swissmusic.ch […]
SME at The Great Escape – 09 – 11 May 2019

An artfully ramshackle English seaside town; hordes of unkempt youths with guitars strapped to their backs; armies of beady-eyed seagulls out to steal our sandwiches; and enough music to last the rest of the year and beyond – what’s not to like? That’s right, it’s Brighton time again, time for The Great Escape. We’re pretty […]
Label Suisse Festival, 14 – 16 September 2018, Lausanne Switzerland

Label Suisse is a free festival organised in corporation with Swiss Music Export, Fondation CMA and a number of other funding organisation with the aim to represent Swiss music in all its abundant stylistic and linguistic variety. Promising a 360 degree programme, the festival reflects all types of music, from rock, pop, folk and electro […]
Switzerland, featured country at The Great Escape! Brighton, 18 – 20 May 2017

For many years, Swiss Music Export has presented a showcase of Swiss artists at The Great Escape Festival in Brighton. This year, we are going one step farther. As a featured country, we are able to take with us no fewer than nine acts to this much-loved festival on England’s South coast. In addition, our […]
Brighton, here we come! The Great Escape Festival – 18 – 20 May 2017

Every year is special at the Great Escape Festival, probably the most important get-together for the independent music scene in Europe – but 2017 is especially special for Swiss Music Export. This is because Switzerland is a featured country in this year’s event! It is an opportunity not to be missed by artists and business […]