Emilie Zoé goes back to the Very Start

Posted by on Nov. 2, 2018
Emilie Zoé goes back to the Very Start

Emilie Zoé’s eagerly awaited second album, “The Very Start”, is at last released on 9 November. In turns bracingly honest and sweetly tender, Emilie Zoé has never shied away from difficult emotions in her songs. A little older and a little wiser, she has now harnessed her unique talent in a beguiling album full of […]

Hard, heavy and Ølten

Posted by on Nov. 2, 2018
Hard, heavy and Ølten

Ølten are a three-piece committed to the basic power of guitar, drums, bass – and no vocals. “Ambiance”, released on 2 November on Hummus Records, is their second album. If the title conjures up visions of smoky jazz clubs or even ambient electronica, nothing could be farther from the truth. Ølten’s music is loud, intense […]

H E X deliver debut at last

Posted by on Juni 12, 2018
H E X deliver debut at last

It’s taken them a long time – four years, to be precise – but Geneva-based  H E X  have made it. The  self-titled debut album saw the light of day on 25 May. It was released on Hummus Records, Distribution is via Orchard/Sony (US), Plastic Head (UK/EU) and Membran (GSA). H E X  are the brainchild of much-travelled guitarist Vincent Hänggi who formed […]

Coilguns spring sophomore album

Posted by on März 13, 2018
Coilguns spring sophomore album

Coilguns are labelling their style “D-Beat/Grind/Black- Metal Tech ’n‘ roll without double foot machine”, they most certainly do know how to make a dark and intense racket. The band was formed in 2011 in La Chaux-de- Fonds by Louis Jucker (vox, noises, guitar), Jona Nido (guitar) and Luc Hess (drums) with the sole purpose of […]

Closet Disco Queen with new album

Posted by on Juni 1, 2015
Closet Disco Queen with new album

Anyone forming a mental image of Closet Disco Queen on the basis of the band’s name will most likely end up in entirely the wrong corner of the musical universe. Closet Disco Queen sound nothing like disco band in disguise, nor are they a comedy combo. In fact, Closet Disco Queen are a duo consisting […]

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