m4music Is Properly Back! 25 + 26 March 2022, Zurich

Posted by on März 14, 2022
m4music Is Properly Back! 25 + 26 March 2022, Zurich

Our home festival m4music is back in style! After a Covid-related exile in the Siberia of the digital world, m4music is at last an event again with people, concerts, audiences, bars and, of course, a series of Swiss Music Export events. For instance, we’re hugely looking forward to celebrating our return to real handshakes and spittle-flecked discussions at our traditional Business Mixer Brunch. We’re also presenting a couple of panels you won’t want to miss, one a presentation of European Showcase Festivals, another analysing the international breakthrough success of Zurich’s Priya Ragu that includes the artist herself.

After two years of home office and rather abstract Zoom communication it is of vital importance to reconnect with the way our world really works. m4music offers the perfect opportunity to do so. Miss at your own peril!

*** SME Business Mixer Brunch
Sat, 26 March – 11:00 – 13:00 – Restaurant LaSalle (Schiffbau)

Those who have attended our Mixers in the past will need no further invitation – they will know that it offers THE perfect opportunity before the rush and the crush of the day to meet people old and new, discuss visions, possibilities and opportunities, and enjoy the indisputably best coffee and “Gipfeli” in the whole of Zurich. Those who haven’t been here before, well, it’s high time you changed your ways! The event is ideal, too, for newcomers in the business keen to make connections and collect some priceless pieces of advice from the many experienced professionals present.

Attendance is open to all professionals. However, as the space is restricted, so is the number of people we are able to entertain. Thus, unfortunately we have to have a “one person per band only” rule in place. Anyone arriving after 11:30 will be able to join us on a first-come-first-served basis as long as there is room. Either way: Accreditation is mandatory. Please register here.

*** Get to know European Showcase Festivals
Fri, 25 March – 14:30 – Matchbox
presented by SME

This panel, conducted in English, offers an in-depth insight into the workings of some of the most important festivals in Europe. The continent is choc-a-bloc with music festivals, including many with a showcase and a conference element. Here’s where you find out how programmes are put together and what kind of audiences are catered for. Is it useful for artists to attend a festival even when they are not performing themselves? Where are the differences between the various events? Here’s where you will find the answers to these questions and many more.

c/o-Pop Festival, Cologne – Sebastian Heer – Head of Booking,
Waves Festival, Vienna – Manuel Fronhofer – Head of Communications
Label Suisse, Lausanne – Maï Kolly – Co-programmer of current music
Linecheck Music Meeting & Festival, Milan – Anna Zò – European Projects, Musitech & Innovation

*** Swiss Success Story: Priya Ragu
Sat, 26 March – 13:00 – Moods
presented by SME

Priya Ragu lives the dream of every Swiss musician. Hailing from a smallish town in the East of Switzerland, she ends up in London being signed by a record company with a global reach, and swiftly turning into a successful, internationally recognised bonafide star. How did this happen? How did her first self-penned song lead to a contract with Verdigris Management in London? What were the obstacles she had to overcome? What was the role of her brother and producer Japhna Gold in this process?

Priya Ragu alongside Japhna Gold and Sam Denniston, owner of Verdigris Management, will be telling their side of a remarkable success story in this panel, held in English.

*** Demotape Clinic
Fri, 25 March – 12:00 Pop / 14:30 Lyrics & Beats – Halle
Sat, 26 March – 12:00 Rock / 14:30 Eletronic – Halle

The concept of the traditional Demotape Clinic is as simple as it is successful. Artists send in their demo recordings – this year no fewer than 1008 demos were received. Out of these a committee chooses the sixty that will be aired at one of the four Demotape Clinics, and commented on by a jury of experts. The jury will then select a winner in each category who receives a FONDATION SUISA-sponsored award of CHF 3000.-. An overall winner will pocket an additional award of CHF 5000.- also sponsored by FONDATION SUISA.

*** Award Show
Sat, 26 March – 19:15 – Halle

This event is the great moment for the winners of the Demotape Clinic in the categories pop, rock, electronic, lyrics & beats as well as the overall winner will handed their awards. Further awards will be handed out for the “Best Swiss Video Clip” and the “IndieSuisse Album of the Year Award 2021”.

However, the event won’t just be speeches, applause and tears of joy. There will also be a one-off special Carte-Blanche concert with an extended band by the one and only Evelinn Trouble. She will be celebrating her “IndieSuisse Album of the Year Award 2021”, handed to her for the stunning “Longing Fever” album, released by Mouthwatering Records. There will also be performances by JODOQ and Giulia Dabalà, the Demotape Clinic pop category winners of 2020 and 2021.

m4music Conference Programme
m4music Festival Programme
Business Mixer Brunch – Registration
Get to know European Showcase Festivals – Panel
Swiss Success Story: Priya Ragu – Panel
Demotape Clinic
Award Show

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