Eclecta Bowing Out on a High

Posted by on Nov 3, 2020
Eclecta Bowing Out on a High

After nine years together, Marena Whitcher and Andrina Bollinger, aka Eclecta, have decided to go their separate ways. Far from bowing out quietly, however, they are saying goodbye with a peach of an album. Entitled “Open Other Doors”, it hits the shops on 6 November via TOURBOmusic and is distributed by Kontor New Media and Irascible.

Multi-instrumentalists both, Whitcher and Bollinger can draw on a vast reservoir of plucked, hammered or stroked sounds. Not content with conventional sources of noise, they also like to record whatever happens to be going on around them, from fluttering birds to banging doors, and turn the results into beats and chords. Their main assets, however, are their voices and their adventurous approach to melody. Distantly reminiscent of the vocal approach of Julie Tippetts, their eerie harmonies are perfectly matched with lyrics that combine wit and humour with poetic ruminations about human interaction and environmental concerns.

With “Open Other Doors”, Eclecta may have come to an end. But it certainly won’t be the end of Whitcher’s and Bollinger’s musical lives. Both are involved in a number of other projects, all of which are seriously worth checking out!

Andrina Bollinger
Marena Whitcher
Kontor New Media

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