The Sound of Being Alone, Happily

Posted by on Mrz 4, 2020
The Sound of Being Alone, Happily

Adriano Koch has not chosen the title of his new album, “Lone”, in vain. In order to record this, his second LP, the 20 year-old keyboard experimenter turned his body clock totally upside down. Setting the alarm clock at 9pm, he then locked himself in the studio for the next twelve hours, cutting himself off from all human interaction, recording everything parts – piano, electronics, voice, drums, even – by himself.

The mesmerising results are utterly beyond stylistic definition. Part minimalist New Music, part moody electronica, and part abstract, dramatic sound painting, “Lone” is an extraordinarily mature, single-minded and original piece of work.

“Lone” is released on 6 March via Irascible Music.

Adriano Koch
Irascible Music

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