Soybomb, the jugglers

Soybomb are without a doubt one of the wittiest bands in Switzerland, able to write songs as catchy as the measles and damned smart to boot. Their first album proper has been long and hotly anticipated – and it’s a corker. “Jonglage” – French for juggling – was released at the end of February, with distribution via Record Jet. A promo campaign is coordinated by the Berlin-based PR company Bite It Promotion and also by Radicalis in Switzerland.
Driven by Beda Mächler’s guitar, Andreas Achermann’s idiosyncratic approach to synth lines and drummer Linus Gmünder, the trio from Winterthur has been lightening up Swiss festival and concert halls for quite a while now with their witty, hook-laden take on Sparks-infused indie pop. Since the release of their quirky debut mini-album, “Plastic Festival”, the band have relocated to Berlin where, in the time-honoured fashion of Krautrock, they share a mini commune. “Jonglage” may have been recorded in a studio in the shadow of the central Swiss mountains. However, it contains the sound of three young men throwing off their shackles and discovering a new Berlin world of sound and vision with confidence and vigour.
Record Jet
Bite It Promotion