Berceuses – Lullabies for Eight Voices

“Berceuses” is both the name of a hydra-like ensemble of multi-instrumentalist and singers, and their debut album. Recorded in the space of only four days and released a few weeks ago by Humus Records, the project is a fine illustration of the label’s ethos of experiment and collaboration.
Formed as a sort of creative cauldron for a disparate group of singers including Delia Meshlir (sax), Elie Zoé (bass), Melissa Kassab (guitar), Sara Oswald (cello), Aurélie Emery, Gael Kyriakidis, Laure Betris and Perrine Berger, their idiosyncratic range of instruments also includes synths, flutes, metallophones and plenty of percussion. The songs, meanwhile, are sometimes reminiscent of Sardinian folk choirs, at other times they feel like mysterious Gothic reveries. Others – “One”, for example – are dreamy lullabies or – “Le Plus Beau La Plus Belle” – simply beautiful chansons. The results are unusual, intense and fascinating.
Humus Records
Delia Meshlir
Elie Zoé
Melissa Kassab
Sara Oswald
Aurélie Emery
Gael Kyriakidis
Laure Betris
Perrine Berger