Luce and her Blue Star Soft Eyes

Luce is the solo-guise of Lucerne-based multi-instrumentalist Tiziana Greco. Her second album, “Blue Star Soft Eyes” is out now on Red Brick Records.
Perhaps best to let Tiziana describe her musical ride herself: “(it) began as kid on a mini-keyboard, where I’d just spend hours and hours playing around”, she writes. “Since then, I’ve been fascinated by all kind of noises and sounds (that help) bring my ideas into life through my voice and instruments, my compositions, improvisations and performances.”
Intriguingly, she defines her Luce music as simply “Anti-rush” on her homepage. Expanding on this idea maybe just a little, her songs are calm turned into song. Delivered with mostly acoustic instruments – give or take the odd electric bass -, her music lives derives its truly special “vibe” from the unhurried vocal delivery and subtle instrumental arrangements that perfectly complement the sentiments expressed in the lyrics.
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