Switzerland @ MaMA Music & Convention 2024

Posted by on Okt 1, 2024
Switzerland @ MaMA Music & Convention 2024

Paris – probably the most romantic and thus perfect city in Europe to spend the autumn in! And, of course, all of us in the music business have a fantastic excuse to be there: MaMA! MaMA, a 3-day bonanza of live music, keynote speeches and conferences, hosted by one of the most picturesque parts of Paris, the area around Place Pigalle. With seven different venues hosting 80 concerts and almost twice as many 150 convention events, la Pigalle will be properly buzzing!

As ever, Swiss Music Export, too, will be part of the carnival. In collaboration with Fondation SUISA, Pro Helvetia and with the kind support of the Embassy of Switzerland in France, we will once again host our traditional and hugely popular Swiss Business Mixer complete with showcase performances from Ikan Hyu and Nathalie Fröhlich. Both acts are unmissable, even if we say so ourselves. Great music combined with ample time, drink and finger food to make new friends and reconnect with old: what’s not to like!

SWISS BUSINESS MIXER | Thursday 17 October 2024| 16h00 – 18h30 | Bar à Bulles – 4 Cité Véron, 75018 Paris

Meet & Greet with Swiss professionals and showcases by Nathalie Froehlich and Ikan Hyu

All MaMA accredited professionals are cordially invited – nay, urged – to attend this free event. However, you will need to register via this link: https://9di5a07l3az.typeform.com/to/tuI2ZemT


Swiss Acts

Ikan Hyu | 16h40 – 17h20 | Bar à Bulles @ Swiss Business Mixer
Visually beguiling, musically explosive and lyrically astute, Ikan Hyu’s fiery mix of electronica, rap and soul, laced with a hefty dose of punk exuberance, has become a serious force of nature. With the release of their debut album “Oasis” late in 2023, Anisa Djodoatmodjo and Hannah Bissegger (ex-members of Bonaparte and Allen Finch) triumphantly managed to bottle the experience and energy from several years of intense touring and turn themselves into one of the best live acts currently operating in Switzerland. Their single “Pow!” won the IndieSuisse “Song of the Year 2024” Award. A new EP is promised for the very near future.

Nathalie Froehlich | 17:45 – 18:10 | Bar à Bulles @ Swiss Business Mixer
A member of the Lausanne-based music and arts collective Sacrée Déter, the ultra-charismatic rapper Nathalie Froehlich doesn’t mess about. Her lyrics and delivery are direct, hard-hitting and – after a year packed with gigs – honed to perfection. Nathalie belongs to the very best of what the burgeoning French-Swiss hip hop scene has to offer.

Other Shows by Swiss Artists

Nathalie Froehlich | La Machine du Moulin Rouge | Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 (night) | 02:30 – 03:30

Soft Loft | La Machine du Moulin Rouge | Thursday, 17 Oct 2024 | 20:20 – 21:00
The five-piece formed to perform the songs of 25-year-old singer/songwriter Jorina Stamm made another giant step forward with the release of their acclaimed debut album, “The Party and the Mess”. “Music is a safe space”, says Stamm. “Music does not judge; it speaks to you directly and offers a refuge whenever you want to get away from reality.” The band is in the middle of an extensive tour to celebrate their international break-through year, taking in Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland and Denmark.

Roxane | FGO Barbara | Friday, 18 Oct 2024 | 11:45 -12:15
Genevan singer/songwriter Roxane likes it mysterious, both in presentation and song. Blessed with a dramatic voice that can accelerate from a whisper to an operatic trill in an instant, her recorded work comes with huge orchestral arrangements and massive passions. On stage, however, she likes to accompany herself with little more than an acoustic guitar.

AAMO | La Boule Noir | Friday 18 october | 20:45 – 21:30
Another member of the hydra-like Genevan hip-hop scene (or, more precisely, of the NGC 1976 crew), AAMO is highly regarded as a leading light in an innovative new wave of hip-hop, a claim amply supported by his new, second album, “Charbonner ou Prier”. Putting his emphasis on mood rather than adrenalin, his musical backing is often understated to the point of minimalist, but also unusual in the way strings, piano, electronic sounds and silences are integrated into the beats. Just as impressive is the easy flow of AAMO’s rapping style: never shouting or hectoring, he uses the unusually light register of his voice to great effect. Unmissable!

MaMA Music & Convention

Ikan Hyu
Nathalie Froehlich
Soft Loft

Pro Helvetia
Embassy of Switzerland in France


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