Switzerland @ Waves Vienna, 5-7 September 2024, Vienna Austria

Posted by on Aug 21, 2024
Switzerland @ Waves Vienna, 5-7 September 2024, Vienna Austria

Launched in 2011, Waves Vienna thrives on the inimitable charm of Vienna itself and its unique position as a bridge between Eastern and Western Europe. With the Balkans as well as the countries along the Adriatic coast hosting more and more festivals attracting international line-ups as well as crowds, an event linking up these no longer so separate worlds fulfils a real need. It goes without saying that Swiss Music Export, too, will be partaking in this annual pilgrimage to Austria. Switzerland’s contribution to the festival this year consists of one musical act, Ay Wing, and our very own Jean Zuber will be a panelist at the Waves Conference.

Ay Wing
| Thursday, 5 September 2024 | 21:00 – 21:45 | Chelsea

Combining featherlight vocal melodies with R&B-inspired grooves and intimate, introspective lyrics, Berlin-based, Mouthwatering-signed singer/songwriter Ay Wing has made great creative strides since the release of her debut album two years ago. A series of memorable singles including “Dyonisus”, “Hex” (co-produced with the Hungarian band, Belau) and “Easy Tue (So Freakin’ Easy)” with Dabu Fantastic and James Gruntz have further enhanced her profile and raised great hopes for her next album, expected very soon.


Conference on „EMEE – How to effectively strengthen the European Music Ecosystem“ | Thursday, 5 September 2024 | 15:15 – 16:15 | Stadtkino Conference Venue

Swiss Music Export’s Jean Zuber, and board member of EMEE (European Music Exporters Exchange), will contribute to unpacking how EMEE helps build a strong, unified European music ecosystem that enables musicians and music professionals to fully realize their creative and economic potential?
EMEE is a non-profit association made up of 33 national and regional music export offices from 28 countries and whose mission is to strengthen the European music sector by encouraging musical diversity, visibility, and supporting mobility in and outside Europe. 

Speakers: Virgo Sillamaa (EMEE/BE), Zorica Tepić (Serbia Creates/SR), Jean Zuber (Swiss Music Export/CH)
Moderation: Tamara Kamińska (EMEE/Music Export Poland/PL)


Wednesday 4 September: Meet the European Music Export Offices

All those who are already in Vienna and the Viennese Music Professionals, are invited on Wed 4 September in the evening to the come-together Meet the European Music Export Offices starting at 18:00 at B72 (Hernalser Gürtel 72-73, 1080 Vienna).



Waves Vienna


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