„A Big Old Fire“ in The Company of Men

Out now via Irascible is “A Big Old Fire”, a new album from Lausanne-based four-piece The Company of Men. Song titles like “These American Chords” or “Mama Cass”, not to mention the album title itself, give a pretty accurate indication of what to expect from the eleven lovingly crafted and elegantly executed tracks on this, the band’s third LP. Most intriguing, however, is “Race Car Driver”, a song dealing with the complicated attitude of the brothers Wicky, Grégory and Christian, to their father’s past as a racing car driver. The Wicky brothers, of course, have their own multi-faceted past, spent in much-loved and successful bands like Chewy, Pendleton, Favez and Sad Riders. Today, they have arrived at their very own, very laid-back and beautifully melodic Swiss version of Americana.
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