Psycho Weazel Inspired by Cars and Clay

Brandnew via Berlin-based Iptamenos Records is the EP “Mains d’argile” (“hands of clay”) from Psycho Weazel, aka the Neuchatel-based DJs, producers and remixers Ivo Roxo and Léo Besso. The EP is available on vinyl, download and streams. It contains four different mixes of “Mains d’argile”, featuring the Greco-German DJ couple Brax Moody & Vamparela, and three of a second track, “Matra Murena” which features Berlin-based DJ Curses. “Matra Murena” is a reference to the car of the same name, produced for only three years from 1980 – 1983, perfectly reflecting the warmly nostalgic feel of a record that harks back to a time long before the emergence of techno and house music.
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