Odd Beholder Turning Grief into Music You Can Dance to

Odd Beholder is the dream pop/electro wave project of Zurich-based singer, songwriter and electronica specialist Daniela Weinmann. Entitled “Feel Better”, Odd Beholder’s new album is out now via Berlin-based Sinnbus Records. She celebrates the album release with a tour of Germany in March, presented by ByteFM and the highly respected monthly magazine Musikexpress.
The cheery album title is both deceptive and apt. It is also loaded with double meanings. “Feel Better” is a concept album, dealing with Weinmann’s feelings after her grandfather ended his life by assisted suicide. The traumatic event becomes the starting point for a series of ruminations about growing up and living in a claustrophobic provincial town in Switzerland. Far from sounding dark or depressing, however, “Feel Better” fulfils the promise of its title by serving up difficult thoughts on a bed of danceable rhythms, dreamy melodies and a voice that exudes warmth and emotional openness. The album was produced in Berlin by Douglas Greed.
Odd Beholder
Mouthwatering Records
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