Dirty Sound Magnet Keep on Dreaming…

Posted by on Nov 6, 2023
Dirty Sound Magnet Keep on Dreaming…

They might live in a dystopic world but this won’t prevent Dirty Sound Magnet from dreaming! This much they promise with their new album, “Dreaming in Dystopia”. The follow up to their most successful LP to date, “DSM-III” (2022, Hummus Records), “Dreaming in Dystopia” is available now via the Melbourne-based indie label Wild Thing Records. Having played more than 130 gigs between the two albums, they celebrate the new record with an extensive tour of UK, Belgium, France, Spain, Switzerland and Germany, beginning in the first week of November and taking them through to mid-February 2024.

Stavros Dzodzos (guitar, vox), Marco Mottolini (bass, vox) and Maxime Cosandey (drums, vox) have been honing their sound since they were teenagers together in Fribourg, a town on the border between French and German Switzerland that can look back on a proud history of indie music. Mixing in a large can of psychedelic colours as well as a hint of hardcore with their Cream-, Motorhead- and Primus-inspired rock racket, the band’s songs are also notable for their strong political stance.

Compared to previous albums, “Dreaming in Dystopia” is considerably more polished in execution and varied in style, including a number of slow and/or quiet tracks and even few hints of “prog”. Listening to the new album, it comes as no real surprise that the band have been signed by an Australian label. Their new sound is not a million miles away from recent Aussie combos like Tame Impala, Pond or King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard.

Dirty Sound Magnet
Wild Thing Records

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