SME making Waves in Vienna 7 – 9 September 2023

Vienna is worth a visit at any time of the year, but especially in September when Waves Vienna is on – and even more so when Switzerland is Guest Country like this year!
Reflecting the geographical position on the cusp of East and West, the festival has traditionally brought together the best new music from areas of the continent not always served well by other European conference/festivals. Once again, Swiss Music Export will be present and correct with our groovy Business Mixer – register with the link below! We are also very pleased to report that a whole raft of Swiss bands is part of the official festival programme.
«Focus on Switzerland»
As part of the Swiss activities, we would like to draw your attention to the opening panel on Switzerland (Thursday 10h). We are also looking forward to the networking format «Let’s CH.AT» with an introduction to the Austrian market; participation by registration only. If you are interested, please send us an email! Also, in the pre-Waves days, the «Waves Heartbeats Songwriting Camp» will be taking place. This is intended to build relationships between professionals from Austria and Switzerland. The selection of participants is fixed, registration is no longer possible.
FRI 08 SEP | 16:00-17:00 | Festsaal, West Space
Live Act: Pina Palau (semi acoustic)
Co-presented by FONDATION SUISA and Swiss Music Export, the Swiss Business Mixer offers a glorious opportunity to discuss ideas, plans and dreams with like-minded professional folk. That, plus a live performance by Pina Palau and a table loaded with finger food and bottles of Swiss wine! What’s not to like…
*** Any professionals are warmly welcomed to our Mixer. However, you will need to register HERE by Wednesday, 6 September. ***
THU 07 Sept | 21:00 | The Loft Main Floor
Anisa Djodoatmodjo and Hannah Bissegger, ex-members of Bonaparte and Allen Finch, serve up a visually beguiling and musically often pleasingly raunchy mix of electronica, rap and soul, laced with a hefty dose of rock exuberance.
THU 07 Sept | 22:15 | Metropol
Always one of the coolest bands around, a couple of years of intense touring have also made them of the very best live acts around. Produced in Bristol by Ali Chant (Yard Act, Aldous Harding, etc.), their recently released second album “Inner Smile” is a corker, too.
FRI 08 Sept | 21:00 | Metropoldi
To say that Moira’s second album “Île du bonheur” contains an eclectic mixture of styles is putting it mildly. Ranging from bouncy ska tunes via the Balkans and Charleston to French chanson, she delivers it all with verve and imagination.
SAT 09 Sept | 19:45 | Kramladen
“Let’s make a soup and bathe in it” Barbicop aka singer/songwriter Madeleine Sandri suggests on her Bandcamp page – which describes the sumptuous ambient sound of her largely laptop produced singles pretty well. However, the haunting “Upwards and Inwards” suggests she is equally at home with just guitar, drums and bass.
SAT 09 Sept | 21:00 | Chelsea
The five-piece was formed to perform the songs of 25-year-old singer/songwriter Jorina Stamm. Aiming to provide a “safe space” in music, her songs are sweetly melodic, her words relatable and memorable.
FRI 08 Sept | 16:00 -17:00 | Festsaal, West Space (semi acoustic)
SAT 09 Sept | 22:00 | Fanialive (full band)
The singer/songwriter from Zurich “loves the incongruous, the contradictory, the petty, the awkward andthe ugly found in all of us” and refers to her finely spun indie/folk songs as a “scuffed up mirror, because if you take the time to listen you will eventually see yourself in it.”
These events are presented in partnership with FONDATION SUISA and the Embassy of Switzerland in Austria.
Discount for Swiss Professionals
To make the decision to travel to Vienna even easier for you, Swiss Music Export is offering an astonishing discount of 50% to professionals on festival/conference passes! To make use of this mind-boggling opportunity, simply email us here.
Waves Vienna
Embassy of Switzerland in Austria
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