OSOMO Goes Tripping

Posted by on Juni 5, 2023
OSOMO Goes Tripping

Grabbing our hectic Zeitgeist by the horns, Simon Baumann aka OSOMO releases “Side Trips” (Two Gentlemen Records) in order to return us to a state of stress-free bliss. “Many of my friends complain about stress”, he says. “OSOMO is my musical answer to that. You can lie down, dream away of fall asleep if you want. With the album “Side Trips” and the “Horizontal Concerts” (its live application), I offer possibilities to make yourself comfortable and go on an inner journey.”

Simon Baumann has been the drummer in Stefan Eicher’s band for over a decade. Also with Eicher, he runs the experimental group Polstergruppe. As a musician and producer he has worked with One:Shot:Orchestra, Mercury, Mario Batkovic, Sirens of Lesbos and countless more.

OSOMO’s “Side Trips” consists of an uninterrupted sequence of thirteen instrumental movements entitled “Alpha”, “Beta”, “Gamma” etc. In contrast to a lot of meditative music, rhythm plays a crucial role in these “Side Trips”. Constructed from all kinds of bells, woodblocks, electronic water drops and the like, or even just washes of synth sound, the rhythms are a lot more complex than it may seem at first, without in any way being impenetrable. With the music in a constant state of flux, there is also a constant flow of fresh elements that invite the listener to drift along with as they morph into new shapes and interact with other streams of sound. Whilst most of the sounds are created electronically, occasional interjections from trombones, vibraphones, trumpets and other analogue instruments. The mesmerising results fully fulfil Baumann’s self-imposed brief.

Two Gentlemen Records

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