Boodaman on Planet Nine

Posted by on Juni 5, 2023
Boodaman on Planet Nine

A mere two years on from his surprise return, after an absence of a decade, to the world of recorded music, Boodaman is back already with “The Ninth Planet”. It is another fine addition to the flourishing catalogue of Nik Bärtsch’s Ronin Rhythm Records imprint.

“Cosmic” is, for once, the perfect word to describe not just the music, but also the concept of an album. The title is a reference to a ninth planet thought to be part of our solar system. However, whilst various scientific measurements and calculations appear to prove its existence, no one so far has been able to observe its physical appearance. As a metaphor it perfectly illustrates the old saying of “so near and yet so far”. Each track on “The Ninth Planet” represents another stage on Boodaman’s journey in search of his own inner “ninth planet”.

Boodaman describes himself as an “addict to synthesizers”, and a “composer of dawless electronic music from ambient to techno”. “Firmly bolted” to his favourite instruments, Roland SH-101, NerdSeq and other Korg MS-20s, he is a purist of modular synth technology, producing subtly shifting melodic motifs pulled along by an undertow of beats.

Creating his music exclusively with synthesizers without computer assistance, gives his work an eery aura of electronic purity and simplicity.


Ronin Rhythm Records

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