The Young Gods Play Terry Riley

Utterly ageless and endlessly innovative, The Young Gods return with a new album on 9 September 2022 released by Two Gentlemen. Rarely content with following an expected path, this time round the trio of Franz Treichler, Cesare Pizzi and Bernard Trontin have found inspiration in Terry Riley’s 1968 composition, “In C”.
“The Young Gods Play Terry Riley in C” has already garnered a hugely complimentary half-page review from Wire magazine, the London-based non-plus-ultra of experimental music criticism. Telling the story of the album from the band’s first performance of the piece with an 85-piece orchestra in 2019, the reviewer, Neil Kulkarni, suggests that the band, with their usual palette of samples and rhythms, follows the score closely, and yet allow themselves considerable freedom in certain aspects of the composition, especially with intensity and volume. The review ends with this conclusion: “Since 1964 Riley’s composition has intimated that all that is needed for wonder to happen is to set something in motion and see where it takes you. Quite some feat to reinvigorate something so familiar – but the Young Gods have the piece sing afresh.”
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