Closet Disco Queens Aiming for the Stadium

“Stadium Rock for Punk Bums” is the title of a new EP by Closet Disco Queens. It was released in December via Hummus Records.
It is truly a mystery how Jona Nido does it all! Not only does he run Hummus Records (the La Chaux-de-Fonds-based label formed by Coilguns in the absence of anyone else who would release their records). He is also a member of said Coilguns, plus, together with drummer Luc Hess, he is Closet Disco Queens. The duo set off in 2014 in a quest to become “a talentless version of Mars Volta”. Two albums, two EPs and countless tours later, they have acquired two extra members who go by the name “The Flying Raclettes”. Like the Coilguns “Shunners/Burrows”, “Stadium Rock for Punk Bums” is part of Hummus’s special 12inch collection of screen print singles. Less purist in its approach but no less fun than previous Queens releases, it boasts no vocals but plenty of guitar, bass and percussion overdubs and a lot of a tempo changes, mighty riffing and nifty turns of musical phrase.
Closet Disco Queens
Hummus Records