More Trash from the Monsters!

Posted by on Nov 1, 2021
More Trash from the Monsters!

Truly, this lot should come with a health warning. Everything about these reptilian misfits, known as The Monsters, is unhygienic. Their music? A revolting stew of all that is nasty about fuzz-guitars, minimalist drums and human voices. And, of course, they are totally brilliant. Deprived of access to their natural habitat, the stages of dingy basement clubs with bad air con and worse toilets, the Reverend Beat-Man’s fearsome mob of guitar-slingers hunkered down in their native Berne and recorded a new album. It’s called “you’re class i’m trash” and will be released by the Rev’s own legendary Voodoo Rhythm Records label on 12 November 2021. Purveyors of scuzzy “hi-speed-boogie-fuzz-garage-trash-rock’n’roll” (their own words) since 1986, The Monsters have toured the world and beyond. The way the Reverend screams out his “lyrics” it’s a wonder he can still speak. Anyway, the definition of “class” and “trash” clearly is a matter of perspective, and anyone who doesn’t think “you’re class i’m trash” is a musical highwater mark up there with Beethoven and Miles Davis is advised urgently to seek medical help.

Apart from the conventional Voodoo Rhythm release on vinyl and CD with a sleeve designed by Bernese artist Jerry Haenggli, the album will be available in two more very special editions. The vinyl version produced by German label Sounds of Subterrania will be sporting a fabulous knitted cover, whilst US label Slovenly Records are releasing the same album sung not in English, but in the band’s native Schwiizertütsch (Swiss German). 

The Monsters
Voodoo Rhythm Records
Sounds of Subterrania
Slovenly Records

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