Odd Beholder Hit the Sunny Bay

Three years after her last album, Daniela Weinmann – aka Odd Beholder – returns with her second full-length long player. “Sunny Bay” was released on 10 September 2021 by Sinnbus Records (publishing by Mouthwatering Records).
Odd Beholder is the dream pop project of Zurich-based singer, songwriter and electronica specialist Daniela Weinmann. Whilst her debut proper focused on the effects of digitalisation on our world, with this new set of songs, according to her press release, she turns her gaze on nature, “on the romantic ideas associated with it”, “on escapism and alienation”, and “on nature as a process”. Having previously worked in studios set in urban environments, this time round she recorded everything in her own loft. Her press release paints an idyllic picture: “She lives directly on the water; outside of her window it is very green, there are countless spiders and insects, a family of swans, a beaver, an owl. From her writing desk, she can follow the lives of these animals more closely.” Regarding the owls, she says: “At first I found the owl very cute. But I had to learn that it is a killing machine. There are lots of baby bird skeletons under its tree. I can watch the complete cycle of life and death here. Nature just does its thing: it’s uncontrollable, unforeseeable.”
Daniela Weinmann is also a co-founder of the Swiss branch of Music Declares Emergency.
Odd Beholder
Sinnbus Records
Mouthwatering Records.
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