Brandnew Equality Platform for Swiss Music

Posted by on Nov 3, 2020
Brandnew Equality Platform for Swiss Music

Women as well as non-binary, trans and inter people have long been marginalised in the Swiss music world. Launched by the self-help organisation Helvetiarockt, a new internet platform and data base,, is designed to fill this gap. Helvetiarockt was formed in 2009 specifically to further the cause of women in the Swiss music business. Their new platform is open not just for the use of women but anyone who identifies as trans, inter or non-binary. Similarly, is available not just for artists, but anyone involved in any aspect of the business, from promoters and managers to technicians and drivers. Furthermore, hobby artists are as welcome as seasoned professionals.

Stressing the importance of role models, Helvetiarockt’s communications officer, Elia Meier, points out that it takes considerably more effort and conviction from women, trans, inter, or non-binary people to enter a certain profession if the only representatives of that profession they encounter are cis-males. “Role models create realities – and this goes for the music industry, too”, states her press release. It continues: “Environment and role models are a strong influence on the development of a person. Depending on the social context of their development, people can be inhibited from entering what they consider to be untypical terrain. It is important that people experience how others with a similar spectre of experiences based, for example, on gender, establish their place in society.”

Clearly, is fulfilling a strong need. Launched on 20 October 2020, the platform is well on the way to reaching the initial target number of 1000 registrations. As of 6 November 2020, the register contained more than 600 persons and 160 projects.


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