SOOMA – Exuberantly Dark

Valentine’s Day, of all days in the year, saw the release of SOOMA’s new album “It’s All About to Change” via Radicalis Music. SOOMA are a noisy young band from Zurich, boasting the classic trio line-up of guitar/vocals (Yannic Consael), bass (Victor Rassov) and drums (Fidel Aeberli).
Having started off rough, ready and hardcore, SOOMA have swiftly branched out from their original blueprint. On this, their second album, they somehow contrive to be loud and exuberant at the same time as melancholy and nebulous. With a maelstrom of guitar noise reminiscent of My Blue Valentine with a dollop of dark metal establishing the mood, the vocals, often repeating simple phrases to hypnotic effect, offer a strong melodic focus. Sometimes, too, the voice ceases to be about words and simply becomes a part of the overall sound texture.
SOOMA are supporting the launch of their album with a tour of Holland, France, Germany, and Switzerland.
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