Black, Blacker, Blackest

Posted by on Nov. 28, 2019
Black, Blacker, Blackest

Released on 8 November 2019 via Hummus Records, “Muladona” is the fifth album from much travelled, Geneva-based black metallists Rorcal. Recorded live in a studio within three days, “Muladona” cooks up a mighty storm of riffing guitars, drums, drones and intense vocals, whilst also finding time for a few quietly reflective moments. The album is based on the novel of the same title by the American-born author Eric Stener Carlson who also lives in Geneva at present.

The common aim shared by the band is – according their biography – “reaching the deepest depths of darkness, searching a way to express the unnameable”. “Muladona” is also an homage to their bass player Mathias Perrin who sadly died after helping to record the album.

“Muladona” is distributed by Plastic Head (UK), Suburban (Benelux), Season of Mist (France), Membran (GSA) and Irascible (Switzerland).

Hummus Records

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