Faber Fucking Loves His Life

“I Fucking Love My Life” is the eye-catching and sarcasm-soaked title of Faber’s new, second album. It was released on 1 November by Vertigo/Universal Records.
Faber is without a doubt one of the most eloquent singer/songwriters using German lyrics at present. He is also one of the least risk-averse. Taking on the persona of a sexist yob in some of his lyrics, for instance, has led to misunderstandings. The first single from his new album, a passionate plea for a more enlightened attitude towards refugees entitled “Das Boot ist voll”, has brought him death threats from the far right. At the same time – and that’s where the title comes in -, the album documents Faber’s struggle with the demands of a life lived in public.
Faber aka Julian Pollina is the son of another well-known singer/songwriter, Pippo Pollina, and the possessor of a voice that sounds like it’s been soaked in Chianti for a lifetime. He was still only in his early twenties when a couple of EPs turned him into a star, feted by blasé journalists as much as besotted teenage fans. The debut album, “Sei ein Faber im Wind”, released in summer 2017, fully justified the advance excitement. Supported by a fabulously well-honed band that includes cello, piano and saxophone, Faber has since become a household name not just in Switzerland but also Germany and Austria. He is supporting the release of the new album with an extensive tour of these countries in spring. Several dates are already sold out.
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