Paléo-Festival Nyon – 23 – 28 July 2019

Posted by on Juli 2, 2019
Paléo-Festival Nyon – 23 – 28 July 2019

The Paléo is one of our favourite festivals, and not just because it takes place on the front porch of our French Swiss office in Nyon. Beautifully situated in the green fields alongside Lake Geneva, what the Paléo offers goes way beyond mere music. Loved for its adventurous programming policy that has always ranged from far-out experimental jazz right across the board to bluegrass and a variety of African artists, the organisers also serve up a feast for the eye, with a series of madly surreal architectural spaces dotted around the whole site. The result is a unique vibe that regularly drives performers to new levels of intensity and abandon.

This year is the Paléo’s 44th edition. Once again, SME, together with the Fondation pour la chanson et les Musiques Actuelles (Fcma), is presenting a daily showcase featuring a variety of Swiss acts. These showcases, needless to say, offer the perfect opportunity to meet likeminded professionals from all over Europe – and Québec! Taking place daily at the Cosmo with live music starting at 15:30. Accredited professionals and media representatives are cordially invited to come along to any or all of these showcase events. For further information please get in touch.

First up on the Tuesday is the raucous funk of Kind and Kinky Zoo. Following on from the “A Taste of Swiss Music” press conference (see below) on Wednesday, Emilie Zoé will present her idiosyncratic and intense guitar/drum songs. On Thursday – following the “Le Québec au Cosmo” Apéro/showcase (see below) – it’s the turn of singer/songwriter Billie Bird and her smokily atmospheric chansons. Quiet Island with vocalist Louise Meynard will be on hand to present their sophisticated pop chansons on Friday. The Saturday, finally, belongs to the band of the moment, the euphorically dark, folky Black Sea Dahu.

Wait, there is more! In addition to these showcases, SME/Fcma are presenting two more conference/media events. Please note that these events are reserved for accredited people to the Paléo festival.

“Eurosonic 2020 – A Taste of Swiss Music” – Press conference
Wednesday, 24 July, 14:30, Cosmo
In January, Switzerland will be the featured country at the Eurosonic 2020 in Groningen, Netherlands. Attending this press conference will be Robert Meijerink, head of programme, and Jildau Stoelwinder, head of marketing. One of the topics of discussion will be speaking the huge importance of this event for the international development of Swiss artists. Oh, and the press conference is followed by an apéro!

Important: RSVP – As admission will be before the official opening of the doors, we’ll ask you to let us know if you will be attending this event by 12 July.


Le Québec au Cosmo” – Apéro and showcase presented by SME and Fcma
Thursday, 25 July, 14:30, Cosmo
A presentation to highlight the many features shared by the French part of Switzerland and the French-speaking province of Québec in Canada. Amongst the participants will be rock singer Hubert Lenoir, electro/jazz vocalist Charlotte Cardin and the hip-hop group Dead Obies from Montreal. Immediately following this presentation, the SME/Fcma showcase series will continue with a performance by Billie Bird, starting at 17:40

All Swiss and Canadian showcase artists are also part of the regular Paléo line-up.

Paléo Festival
Paléo Festival – Swiss Artists

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