Vsitor Keep on Running

No, it’s not the old Spencer Davis hit, sung by Stevie Winwood. It’s the debut album by Vsitor (sic), the partly Berlin-based trio of David Koch (guit, vox, keyb, bass), Lea Maria Fries (vox, synth bass), and Valentin Liechti (percussion, vox). Calling their style “Avant Pop/Slow Core/Electronica/No Wave”, they promise an “11 song meditation on the idea of movement and change, especially in regard to the complex emotion-based constellations that we form with other individuals.” None of which explains the missing “i” in their name, though.
“Keep on Running” was released on 26 April by the newly office-established Red Brick Chapel cooperative in Zurich. Distribution is by Believe Music (world) and Irascible Music (Switzerland).
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