SME at The Great Escape – 09 – 11 May 2019

An artfully ramshackle English seaside town; hordes of unkempt youths with guitars strapped to their backs; armies of beady-eyed seagulls out to steal our sandwiches; and enough music to last the rest of the year and beyond – what’s not to like? That’s right, it’s Brighton time again, time for The Great Escape.
We’re pretty confident that you won’t need any reminding of the importance of The Great Escape for the independent music sector in Europe. Of course, Swiss Music Export will be there, too, and with us, the traditional, unmissable Swiss Business Mixer/Showcase. Naturally, we’d love to see you there to share some music, ideas and, who knows, maybe a little gossip, too. Not forgetting the beer, the sandwiches and the apples!
Here’s the programme – back at the old venue:
Swiss Business Mixer
Fri 10 May / 12:00 – 16:00 / Komedia Studio Bar
12:30 – Black Sea Dahu
13:30 – Emilie Zoé
14:30 – Long Tall Jefferson
15:30 – Ta’Shan
Black Sea Dahu
Fronted by the androgynously voiced singer/songwriter Janine Cathrein from Zurich, Black Sea Dahu have made mighty strides since the release of their richly textured debut album “White Creatures” late last year. Driven by the superb hit single “In Case I Fall For You”, they have toured incessantly and become a seriously tight live ensemble.
Emilie Zoé
Emilie was a member of Anna Aaron’s band for three years whilst also working on her own material. Ploughing a similar furrow as, say, PJ Harvey or Sophie Hunger, with her second album “The Very Start”, released to a fantastic reception in Switzerland last year, Emilie has found her true – and truly unique – voice.
Long Tall Jefferson
Long Tall Jefferson aka Simon Borer is a fine singer/songwriter and an exceptionally subtle guitarist with an ear for quiet, minimalistic beauty. After 200odd solo gigs, he has acquired a band of late which adds another dimension to the songs from his fab new album, “Lucky Guy”.
With an Indian father and a Swiss mother, Shanta Ta’Shan Venkatesh has lived in Berne, LA and London. No wonder her music is a juicy mix of all sorts of groovy influences. She calls her style “R’n’B Trap Soul”. Who are we to argue?
Naturally, we would very much like to see you at the SME Business Mixer/Showcase. Entrance is free with a festival ticket but please RSVP beforehand here.
All four showcase acts are also part of the regular The Great Escape programme:
Thu 09 May / 14:30 / The Hope and Ruin
Black Sea Dahu
Thu 09 May / 21:15 / The Walrus
Emilie Zoé
Fri 10 May / 19:30 / Queens Bar
Long Tall Jefferson
Sat 11 May / 18:30 / The Hope and Ruin
These events are presented in partnership with Pro Helvetia, Fondation Suisa, and the Embassy of Switzerland in the UK.
The Great Escape
RSVP Swiss Business Mixer
Black Sea Dahu
Emilie Zoé
Long Tall Jefferson
Pro Helvetia
Fondation Suisa
Embassy of Switzerland in the UK