Hyperculte are massively occidental

Geneva-based Hyperculte are double-bassist Vincent Bertholet (also the pilot of the beautifully anarchic “big band” Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp) and drummer/guitarist/singer Simone Aubert (also with Tout Bleu and Massicot). Three years after their stunning debut follows their next strike, an equally gripping second album entitled “Massif Occidental”.
Hyperculte make brilliant records. They also offer a fantastic live spectacle. With Barthelet starting a song by recording a short and groovy riff which is then looped, he is free to develop any melodic ideas he might hit upon on the fly, as it were. Composed from improvisation sessions in the rehearsal rooms, their songs, freely skewered with all sorts of extra noises and distortion devices, playfully incorporate fragments of literary texts and political slogans.
“Massif Occidental” was released on 26 April on Bongo Joe Records and is distributed internationally by L’Autre Distribution (France), Honest Jons (UK), Clear Spot (Benelux), Broken Silence (Germany) and Light in the Attic (USA).
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