Frank Powers cries “Juheminee”

Posted by on Okt 3, 2018
Frank Powers cries “Juheminee”

Juheminee is a combination of the very Swiss words “juhee” (oh joy!) and “oh jemineh” (oh dear). This word creation is just as witty as the cartoon figures on Frank Powers’s homepage – which also cover one of the band’s items of merchandise, a skateboard.

Whip-smart lyrics sung in German German as well as Swiss German or English about the ailments and the beauties of the modern world are the speciality of Frank Powers, neé Dino Mukanda Brandao. Frank has been collecting musical instruments of all kinds since his childhood, many of which eventually find their way into his chansonesque, sometimes folky, sometimes a little more rocky music. Thus, his live band has also included a violins and brass. The main attraction, however is Dino’s voice – a supple tenor that commands attention with ease and charm.

Juheminee” is Frank Powers’s third album. It is released in the GSA countries on 19 October via Radicalis.

Frank Powers

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