Label Suisse Festival, 14 – 16 September 2018, Lausanne Switzerland

Label Suisse is a free festival organised in corporation with Swiss Music Export, Fondation CMA and a number of other funding organisation with the aim to represent Swiss music in all its abundant stylistic and linguistic variety. Promising a 360 degree programme, the festival reflects all types of music, from rock, pop, folk and electro all the way to chanson, classical music and choral singing and contemporary avant-garde. Label Suisse, together with the Swiss Federal Office of Culture (FOC), also supports artists living abroad and creates networking opportunities for Swiss music business professionals and important representatives from elsewhere. Large parts of the festival will be transmitted live RTS/SRF/RSI/RTR.
Click here to check out the eighty-plus Swiss acts appearing at the festival.
Music Mixer Brunch
Saturday 15 September, 11:00 – 13:00, EJMA Lausanne
For more information and subscription please contact us until September 7th.
Presented by Swiss Music Export together with Pro Helvetia, FOC, Label Suisse, FCMA and SODEC , the Music Mixer Brunch brings together Swiss professionals with representatives from this year’s guest city, Québec, and a number of selected professionals from other countries.
Label Suisse – Website
Label Suisse – Programme
Fondation CMA
Pro Helvetia
Federal Office of Culture (FOC)