Fai Baba’s never-ending tour of Europe

To celebrate his new album, Fai Baba and his band will embark on a very impressing tour. Starting on 16 September in Budapest, Hungary, the trek will take in more than 50 dates in Austria, Germany, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Monaco, Switzerland, the UK, Netherlands, Iceland, Spain and Portugal before ending on 16 December in Sannois, France (with more dates possibly to be added).
Here’s an excerpt from Fai Baba’s latest press biography:
“Fai Baba feels cleansed. It could be said that his life has found more of a focus. Or, that his outlook has become more radical. He gave himself up to a ceremony conducted by a shaman in a tepee. The ceremony involved an ancient brew named Ayahuasca which has for many centuries helped people in the farthest corners of the earth to reach the world of spirits. Fai Baba’s fears and sorrows were buried behind the river’s next bend. In this way, Fai Baba returned to his own spirituality, communing with his spirits and chasing away some demons. He has, as he says, “had a look behind the matrix of planet earth”. Through this process he has reached a source of unending inspiration. This fresh sense of purpose is deeply ingrained not only in Fai Baba’s unhurried descriptions of his extraordinary experiences, but also his new songs.”
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