Dirty Sound Magnet spreading “Western Lies”

Posted by on Mai 4, 2017
Dirty Sound Magnet spreading “Western Lies”

After parting company with their old singer, Dirty Sound Magnet from Fribourg vowed to stop trying to sound like their 1970s heroes, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix Experience, Bad Company and the like. The result is “Western Lies”, numerically their third album, spiritually, however, their real debut (their words!). A trio consisting of Maxime Cosandey (drums), Stavros Dzodzos (guitar, vocals) and Marco Mottolini (bass), Dirty Sound Magnet may no longer be compared to their elders, even though in terms of sound they could give Kasabian, Primal Scream or Black Angels a run for their money. Having coined the expression “Creative Rock” for their sound, the band carried off the “Demotape Clinic 2017 Rock Award” at this year’s m4music festival in Zurich.

“Western Lies” came out last October in Switzerland. Following an extensive tour of Eastern Europe and Germany earlier in the year, the album received a European release on 12 May via the German Noisolution label.

Dirty Sound Magnet

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