Swiss artists at the Festival „Les Femmes s’en mêlent“

Posted by on März 7, 2016
Swiss artists at the Festival „Les Femmes s’en mêlent“

“Feminine” rather than “militant feminist” (although the former by no means excludes the latter) – that is the keyword of the Festival „Les Femmes s’en mêlent“ taking place in Paris and several other French towns. Now in its 19th edition, the festival showcases artists from the whole spectrum of independent music making in order to highlight feminine creation. A highly varied series of events is spread across a number of unusual venues.

Three Swiss artists will be part of this year’s official festival programme, OY, the Chikitas, and Elvett.

Friday, 25 March 2016 – Le Sans Réserve, Pergigueux
Tuesday, 29 March 2016 – Le Divan du Monde, Paris

Joy Frempong’s OY duo with percussionist Lleluja Ha combines electronica with melodies that strongly reflect the singer’s family roots in Ghana, and a witty multi-media show. OY’s new album will be out on Crammed Discs in spring.

The Chikitas
Thursday, 31 March 2016 – La Poudrière, Belfort
Friday, 1 April 2016 – Le Divan du Monde, Paris

The Chikitas from Geneva are Lynn Maring and Saskia Fuertes, and they’re a hurricane of noise, distortion, wit and catchy choruses. Their new album „Wrong Motel“ will be out at the end of April.

Thursday, 31 March 2016 – La Rodia, Besançon

Elvett are an organic/electronic quartet led by vocalist Lyn m and drummer/percussionist Alain Frey.

Les Femmes s’en mêlent Website
Les Femmes s’en mêlent Facebook
OY Website

OY Facebook
The Chikitas Website
The Chikitas Facebook
Elvett Website
Elvett Facebook

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