Puts Marie and Verveine @ Printemps de Bourges – 24 – 29 April 2015

Posted by on Apr. 13, 2015
Puts Marie and Verveine @ Printemps de Bourges – 24 – 29 April 2015

Veterans Puts Marie from Biel as well as electro experimenter Verveine will be representing Switzerland at this year’s edition of the Printemps de Bourge festival. Puts Marie will playing at Le 22 Venue on Tuesday 28 April at 15:00 as part of the iNOUïS Rock Pop Fusion program. Verveine will be appearing on the “Scene Pression Live” stage on Saturday 25 April between 17:00 and 22:30.

The historic and picturesque cathedral city of Bourges lies slap bang in the middle of France. For one week each year, the city centre is transformed into one big musical stage. The scheduled music program starts early in the afternoon and takes place in ten different venues, with a programme offering a rich variety of newcomers as well as established artists. Additionally, many bars offer live music from noon to midnight. This year’s event will be taking place from Friday 24 April – Wednesday 29 April.

Puts Marie
After a sabbatical for the individual members to pursue their own separate projects, the band has returned with a renewed zest for life on stage. Max Usata (vocals), Nick Porsche (drums), Igor Stepniewski (bass), Sirup Gagavil (guitar) and Beni 06 (Farfisa) write classy and dramatic rock songs with a hint of hip-hop and a strong dose of „chanson“. After their appearance in Bourges, Puts Marie Marie will be promoting their recently released “Masoch” EP (Two Gentlemen Records) with an extensive tour of France and Switzerland throughout May. They will also be hopping over the Channel to appear at the Great Escape Festival in Brighton.

Joelle Nicolas aka Verveine from Vevey caused quite a stir when she appeared at the Transmusicales de Rennes last December. French newspaper Libération especially was fulsome in its praise of her performance, commenting: “The Swiss singer fulfilled and even surpassed all the promises made by her self-produced debut album.” Mixing elements of Techno, Pop and the outer reaches of Electronica experimentation, Verveine has earned herself a strong reputation as a mesmerising performer. Layering many different tracks and beats over each other and constantly manipulating them live, no performance is the same. Verveine will be promoting a new EP, “Antony”, released in March on Creaked Records.

Les iNOUïS du Printemps de Bourges Website
Printemps de Bourges Website

Puts Marie Website
Verveine Bandcamp
Two Gentlemen Website
Creaked Records Website

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