Great review for Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp
Highly respected UK monthly magazine fRoots (the self-styled “essential folk, roots & world music guide”) lists “Rotorotor”, the new album by Geneva-based sextet Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp amongst their albums of the month. There is also a glowing review of „Rotorotor“:
“We are in the land of the desirably unclassifiable. Art rock meets the globe, maybe…” writes Ian Anderson, himself a musician of some pedigree. “…I stumbled (on them) by lucky chance last year. Recommended by a friend, I wandered down to see them play on a cramped stage in the bowels of a converted barge and, as they say, they blew me away. It turned out they were here in Bristol to record this album with PJ Harvey’s sidekick John Parish as producer. I wasn’t that keen on what he did with Rokia Traoré’s most recent album but in this case he’s absolutely nailed it… a record every bit as good as the live band.””
Link Website Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp
Link fRoots review
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