EUROPAVOX Festival with Kadebostany (5 – 7 June 2014, Clermont-Ferrand)

The multi-talented ambassadors of the imaginary Republic of Kadebostan, sent out to spread the message of love, understanding and party that is so dear to the heart of every citizen of Kadebostan, are riding from strength to strength. Trailing eternal peace and mad dance frenzy in their wake, they will be spreading the light of their musical philosophy all summer long on their Swiss Music Export-supported European tour. Next in their itinerary, after a performance on 5 June at the Foodstock festival in Paris, is their hotly anticipated appearance at the EUROPAVOX Festival in Clermont-Ferrand on 6 June.
Created in 2006, the EUROPAVOX Festival aims to showcase European popular music in all its stylistic diversity. This year’s edition will be taking place from 5 June to 7 June in four venues around the Place du 1er Mai in Clermont-Ferrand. Kadebostany are scheduled to play on Friday 6 June at the Forum Polydome where they will share the bill with French artists -M- and UK representatives Benjamin Clementine and Liz Green.
After Clermon-Ferrand, throughout June, July and August, Kadebostany will play twenty more dates in France, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland, including performances at Les Nuits de Fourvière in Lyon on 12 June, and les Francofolies de la Rochelle on 12 July.